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Free bus rides for NYU students

Researcher, designer

<aside> 💡 Figma, Invision


This NYU Shuttle app project was an exercise in user experience research and app redesign. I began it in my UX Design class and continued the project after the class ended. As a disclaimer, at this time the NYU shuttle app has been taken off of the app store so I only have app store screenshots to use for my before shots. Unfortunately, I deleted the app off my phone after this project (it was seriously unusable).


The NYU shuttle is a free service run by New York University to help students reach the farther NYU dorms and Brooklyn campus. The buses run from Gramercy Park to Chinatown, and across the Brooklyn Bridge. Before the app was taken off of the app store the NYU Shuttle App was NYU's official navigation and bus schedule app.

Although a decent number of students use the shuttles, the app was confusing, poorly designed and slow. Very few students used it, although in the app's defense, it was a former student’s computer science project and I don't believe that it was ever intended to be the official NYU transit app.



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To find my problems, my class sent a survey to ~60 IMA students, with 30 responding. I also interviewed ten students for more in depth understanding.